Yatse App Always Shows Kodi is Offline but works

I have a strange issue where Yatse running on my Galaxy S10 on my home WiFi often shows that Kodi is Offline, but the remote still works.

Kodi is installed on a Windows 10 PC, and is the latest version (18.1).

The remote still works, so obviously Kodi isn’t offline, but it’s obviously frustrating if I click on something that opens a text box (as the text box doesn’t pop up in Yatse), and play, stop etc controls won’t show if something is playing.

Funnily enough, if I kill the Yatse android app and reopen it, it will often find the server and show as online.

Without the asked logs not a lot I can tell actually :slight_smile: That’s why there’s this nice template :wink:

Kodi support 3 ways of control and Yatse use the 3, looks like an http server issue but again without logs can’t tell anything.

Hi, I have the same problem. I’ll send you the debug information in a new topic.


debug-20210131_190500.zip (8.3 KB)
kodi.log.zip (11.8 KB)

Yatse (10.7.0B1/71108173-arm64-v8a) shows Kodi as offline, while playing a video or stream. Remote works, but in sidemenu ist nothing to see (Addons, PVR, Files and other not visible)

Under the Hostname “offline” is blinking every 3-8 seconds.

It seems the host (Kodi) anwser not fast enought or Yatse waits not long enought. If nothing to play, Yatse works whitout an issues.

In previsius Beta this issues wasn’t happen. Kodi version was not change. Same Problem on all three mediacenters in my house. (all three with Kodi 18.7@RaspberryPi3b)

MfG (Greedings)
I’am from germany, hope my text is readable!

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Nice another Kodi PVR issue :frowning:

Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was NUMBER at path $.result.item.uniqueid

There is no UniqueId in my EPG. The channel ID corresponds to the display name. Should I replace the channelid with a number?


(channel id=“ProSieben”)
(display-name lang=“”)ProSieben(/display-name)
(programme start=“202101312014 +0000” stop=“202101312249 +0000” channel=“ProSieben”)
(title lang=“de”)Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazars Rache(/title)
(sub-title lang=“de”)Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazars Rache(/sub-title)
(desc lang=“de”)Jack’s back - in seinem mittlerweile fünften Abenteuer: Der barbarische Captain Salazar schafft es, sich aus dem Teufelsdreieck zu befreien. Er schwört gnadenlose Rache und will alle noch lebenden Piraten töten - allen voran Captain Jack Sparrow. Dessen einzige Möglichkeit, Salazar zu besiegen, besteht darin, den Dreizack Poseidons in seine Hände zu bekommen, der ihm die Herrschaft über die sieben Weltmeere verleiht.(/desc)

I use a python-script to read the EPG-data as XMLTV from my PVR (DM7080). I use the script over a year. The issue is present since the last Yatse beta-update. Has there been a change in Yatse since the last update? I can’t see an change in the data from my PVR.


Nopthing for you to do it’s a bug on Kodi side that I’ll workaround and that they need to fix for future versions.

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Here the same, with Update yesterday Yatse 10.7.0B1 Yatse say Kodi is offline if its startig a Video Stream. Today i make a downgrade to Yatse 10.6.6 and everythink is working fine.

Yes it’s a PVR issue on Kodi side that returns invalid data. I’ll workaround on Yatse side soon.
Waiting for more info on another issue before pushing the patch.

The Patch in Yatse 10.7.0B2 works well.


A post was split to a new topic: Kodi PVR again returning bad data