YouTube music cast

Should Yatse be able to cast from YouTube music to Kodi? Specifically music not video as I have different audio settings for each.

YTM app on Android (Pixel 5, premium YT account) to Libreelec 11 Kodi Nexus.

Dialogue pops up but does not play, but videos (and other audio such as soundcloud) are working fine. (3.8 KB)

Yes it should with the Yatse addon.

Please provide Kodi logs with debug mode enabled in the Yatse addon.

Thankyou. With Yatse addon disabled it is working, but plays as a video on Kodi. Can it send YT music as audio? (ie read by Kodi as audio). Log: (655.6 KB)

Edit, more info- with “prefer Kodi YT addon…” option unchecked it works (as a video still).

There’s no attempts to use the yatse plugin in the kodi logs.

Youtube addon have DASH enabled or is configured as preferred use it

So in all the cases from that log Yatse is not involved it just pass the url to Kodi youtube addon. It’s up to Kodi to handle it properly.

Ok so it’s a Kodi side issue.

It works when I have the prefer YT setting unchecked.

Is there any way to have the YTMusic files received as audio not video?

Again I need logs when it’s the Yatse plugin that does the resolution.

If the playback goes via Kodi Youtube addon I have no control.

I am back looking at YouTube Music via Yatse share to kodi. I am trying to share from YouTube Music app as music (not video), as I have different audio settings for music and video. Currently being played with the music artwork displayed as video file instead.

Yatse helper addon setting “prefer YouTube addon” is set of off/none.

Not sure if this is possible?

Logs: (951.8 KB) (8.1 KB)

Hum so this time it’s properly handled by Yatse script.

[script.yatse.kodi] b’Url resolved by YoutubeDL:
2023-10-14 12:32:06.826 T:1510 warning : [script.yatse.kodi] b’Is audio: False | Is picture: False’

Seems the addon fails to detect it’s an audio stream because Youtube says the mime type is video/mp4 so it’s a video, and from technical pov this is true.

There’s no much to be done here, not sure Kodi audio player would support a video stream anyway.

Ok, thanks for looking regardless.