Yatse pro version on Android fork /e/ with microg without Play Services

Hello everyone,

I made an account because I wanted to ask whether it is possible to activate the pro version of Yatse on /e/, a de-googled Android fork using microg instead of Play services. I just bought the pro version via Paypal and got a link and then installed an unlocker apk, but I don’t think my Yatse app has registered that I’ve unlocked the pro version, as it still suggest I could. To be clear: I have not logged in with any account on OS level, since it isn’t necessary. I use an open source secure email client called FairEmail where I receive my email. Under accounts → add accounts I’ve got no email account to add.

I’ve mainly bought the unlocker as a way of supporting development. As far as I know, I don’t really need it for any features, since I’ve not come across any limitations. I just like open source and community products and aim to support them when they greatly improve my life - which Yatse definitely does! Nontheless, it would of course be nice if I could use the pro version since I bought it.

I’ve also seen this topic: License without Google Services - #10 by Tolriq where the user seems to have the same problem: there is no account registered at os level. Just curious if /e/ with microg still makes it possible to use the unlocked version. If not, I’ll just see it as a donation, that’s no problem :slight_smile:

Just add the account as an Imap account at OS level and disable sync on it as explained on that post :slight_smile:

Licences are tied to email as the red messages explains, and it can’t check anywhere else than OS accounts, hence the limitation that is not really one usually. Still allows to work without Google.

Thank you for your quick reply.
I’ve not got the option (see added screenshots).
I’ll check on the /e/ forum whether I’m missing something.
Tolriq, are you the Yatse developer? In that case: thanks so much for your great work!

Yes I am and you can probably install https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/lineageos/email-3/email-3-9-release/email-9-android-apk-download/ or any client that save the account at OS level.

That worked! I’ve got a similar email app on my phone, but had never used it and as my above screenshots demonstrate it didn’t give the option to add an account. Installing the email app of Lineage did offer me the option to add an exhange account. After doing so, however, I still had Yatse saying: wanna buy the pro version? But then did one time sync my imap exchange account and I re-installed the unlocker and now I have the pro version. Whether syncing was necessary I don’t know. Maybe just reinstalling the unlocker would have been enough. I did get frequent warnings that “exchange services” stopped, logging in was probably enough for the unlocker to know it was me. So thanks for the help!

Yes you need to login for the account to be registered but no need to sync.

And yes reinstalling the unlocker would have been enough or wait for some delays, there’s cache a not instant non stop licence checks.

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Hi. I just found out what is possible with Yatse :grinning: and wanna install the pro version. Since I also use /e/ and I am trying to avoid anything “googled”: is it possible to buy yatse like e.g. the messenger “threema”? It also costs but I can buy a licence on the threema-webpage and I can download the apk from there, too.

Yes you can you have everything in this thread and the other one :slight_smile:

It seems I am blind and I am sorry for that. Where can I buy the pro licence?

From here Yatse™ - Troubleshooting Yatse payment issues be sure to understand the need to register for the correct mail and properly configure your device later. If you are not sure please do not purchase that way :slight_smile:

Can I use the Yatse using microG or will I face any type of problem…?

Untested and unsupported.

I ended up here in this thread, because I am using LineageOS and microG. As inApp and legacy licence does not work, I also looked for ways to make this work. I am a software techy, but still it was hard for me to understand the exact requirements of the paypal licence check. It was not really clear what adding “email account” really meant, because there is no such functionality in AOSP. No I understand that some email apps are adding some kind of native account to Android, like the former standard email app of lineageOS. Unfortunately this emails app was removed in 18.1 and onwards.

To make it short, a better description of what is required could have helped many people, also avoiding that multiple support threads have to be created.

Not a very satisfying situation.

I can only agree with @godfuture . I just bought the Paypal licence and can’t use it.

I am using Graphene OS and don’t use any E-Mail client on my phone. I thought it would be okay to add an IMAP-account and just hide the E-Mail app, but there is a problem: The old E-Mail-App doesn’t work on newer Android versions and K9 doesn’t create an account in the Android settings. G-Mail is not an option. Really frustrating :frowning:

What’s frustrating is Google monopoly here you know ?

I have absolutely no obligation to try to provide a solution for people that don’t want to use Google services.

Yet I try to offer something that actually cost me money and time and this is the kind of comments that makes me regret providing this services.

I prefer users complaining because I don’t offer a service than people who don’t read and complains that I try to provide a solution for them …


1400 views, for what its worth I’m sure theres plenty of folks like me who appreciate the effort to make working outside of google possible but who dont comment. Certainly thank you from my part.

But enough smoke blowing. I just installed the graphene os email client 10 from apkmirror on my pixel tablet with grapheneos. It was crashing on launch, but i found a tip to go into app settings and manually enable “contacts” permissions. The app then functioned as expected and i have an os wide email account registered to graphene os.

Hopefully that helps any fellow graphemers who run into the email apk crashing on launch.

If it helps anyone, I’ve used the paid Yatse on a degoogled LineageOS phone with MicroG for years. Both Davx5 and Nextcloud let you create an “account” that the unlocker will recognize. Davx5 should work with a lot of providers… I got a new phone and switched to CalyxOS. Have a small, unrelated problem with getting the unlocker that I’m sure Tolriq will solve. After that, I see no reason why it wouldn’t work as it has on Lineage.

In CalyxOS, I can’t find the “accounts” settings directly. However, searching for “account” in the settings app brings up the right page. Honestly, some apps handle non-Play-Store licensing a little better (see FairEmail), but given that there IS a non-Play-Store option for Yatse, its fairly trivial to get it working. I wish things were different, but this is what we sign up for with what’s effectively a unique setup that represents what has to be a super small portion of Android users. Asking devs to support it is a bit much IMO.

Hello, i just registered to ask how to register an email account at os level on the iode rom. It does not look trivial to me. I am using davx5 and nextcloud but don’t see any way to register an email.
@qqqwwweee Can you provide some instructions how to create an “account” that the unlocker will recognize?

You have to have a calDAV account (or something else DAVx5 uses) or a Nextcloud account, registered with the email address to license is under. How to do that is up to you.