Unable to delete offline media

yatse shows offline media which i am unable to delete. trying to delete them results in “start to delete …” and “delete successfull” notifications, but the entry stays in the list.

what happened:
downloaded videos to see them offline to internal storage.
internal storage became full
deleted some offline content but internal storage stayed full, nothing was released
configured offline storage to be on sd card, but still internal storage full
manually deleted subdirectory from internal storage in \Android\data\org.leetzone.android.yatsewidgetfree\files\OfflineMedias, this released storage, now internal storage is no longer full.
but i still see offline files in yatse, and i am not able to delete them (using managing offline content)
any idea?
thanks, butcher

“bereinigen offline inhalte” (cleanup offline content) did the job. sorry for posting.

Cheers, Butcher