Issue description:
I have an issue with loading song thumbnails from yatse to android auto. Recently I switch to new phone and now I’m unable to see thumbnails for songs in android auto. In phone is everything fine and I can see all thumbnails.
So far I tried:
Instaleld Yatse and recover all settings from yas file and downloaded playlists offline (this was initial setup in new device)
Installed Yatse and set it up for kodi, created smart playlist a and downloaded it offline (all these steps were done manually - not imported)
In this case there should not to be displayed any images in Yatse AA, correct?
It’s acting weird because for few songs I have a thumbnail. Log is from 28.10 and today (lets say every two days) pops up thubnail for song which didnt displayed thumbnail in past.
But from 28.10 I didn’t created any playlist (or added songs to existing) and downloaded it for offline.
On last phone I did not had these problems and if I try to connect it bac to AA all song have thumbnails.
I have some new info.
When I through Yatse play on kodi some song which doesn’t have a thumbnail in AA and then I play same song with AA then thumbnail appears in AA.
Is there any way how to force images for full cache?
I already tried this settings but didn’t helped. I will use my workaround to load images to songs now when I know what do to.
Thanks for your help and time.