Support for Third Party Websites

This might go outside of the bounds of what Yatse was designed (and has mastered) doing but figured I’d suggest.

There are numerous popular third party websites that people use to track their viewing, create lists, look for recommendations, etc… It would be great if Yatse could integrate with these and link a library to the websites. Use cases below:

(1) User wants to view their [service] list and be able to easily identify what they have in their library and play from within that view
(2) User wants to see popular/trending shows on [SERVICE] and see what they have in their library and play from that view
(3) User wants to see what their friends on [SERVICE] are watching and . . . . you get the idea


Again, I know that this is probably a non-starter but I do think it’d bring a new level to Yatse which has already perfected basically everything else when it comes to Kodi.