Support for catch up tv using Kodi 19

Hi! Like I said before, thanks for this app. It’s amazing.

I’m using PVR and I start channels on my htpc using Yatse. But since kodi 19, catchup tv is also supported wich is extremely useful to start programs in the past, or start programs that allready has been started.

I can scroll back in the pvr guide in Yatse, but I’m not able to start these programs… Is that right?

Would be very nice option to have…

Hi, I see that you moved this topic to “implemented”. So, it should be working allready? I’m really confused as I’m not able to select catchup tv programs using Yatse. Can you explain this maybe?

It will be present in next release. Changelogs are the source for when a feature is released.
The topic move is done when the feature is coded.

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Thanks a lot @Tolriq!