Subtitles are not streamed

I’m quite new to Yatse and OSMC/Kodi. I set up everything on OMSC and Yatse as described in the Wiki (Yatse add on …). Now I can stream easily. For example I’m using the german broadcater app DasErste ( Without any problem I can stream the live tv stream or different contents out of the mediathek directly out of the app. Unfortunately the activated subtitles are not streamed to my OSMC. Is this related to the Subtitles paragraph on this wiki side (Streaming)?:
How to use Yatse: Kodi remote and cast
Or do I have any chance to stream these subtitles too?

I’m using OMSC 2018.08-2 (Kodi 18.0-Beta4) and the most recent Yatse app on Android 7.0.

Thank you very much in advance and sorry in case something is not clear/missing information


Without logs I can’t tell anything, that why there’s a nice pre filled post when you open issues :wink:

I can only guess the subtitles are not in the stream and so not accessible to Kodi.