Smart Filtering Addition

Hi there
Is it possible to add an option for smart filtering by number of votes?
When i smart filter by imdb rating, it places on top some movies with very few votes, (less than ten in some cases) meaning this, that my tops are unreal, not trustful.

What is your source provider not all expose this?

Hi, first of all, sorry for the delay, i didn’t check my emails for a while, so i had no idea that i got a reply from you.

What is my provider? Well i get votes from IMDB and TMDB
The thing is that i have some movies in my collection which are not that popular, some got only a poor amount of votes, but these few votes can be positive sometimes, and this affects the position when i filter by ratings.

To prevent this, please consider setting a rule by which only movies with minimum votes can be placed at the top of the lists, or even easier, let the user smart filtering by less than or more than an specific amount of votes.
This way the filtering will be really trustful.

Also, the smart filtering already includes a video resolution option, but it would be very helpful adding an option for video Aspect Ratio as well.

Thanks for your consideration.

Look this example, this movie got only one vote and its score is 65%, see what I mean?