The Global Search very helpful for finding Episodes and the search interface is well designed.
I would like the option to include the Episode descriptions in the search query. For example Episode descriptions can contain certain keywords such as plot descriptions or persons names and Episodes can be found this way.
The Kodi jsonrpc supports this with the plot field so maybe this will not be too hard to achieve:
I can not see an option to search Episode descriptions with smart filter?
Also can smart filter search Episodes across many TV shows? I try searching for Episode title using smart filter and it appears it can only filter after specifically opening up a TV show and applying the filter to that one show.
Yeah smart playlists does work, though its not very convenient for quick searches.
Is there a way to open up the Episode info in a smart playlist? In the Global Search each episode opens to the info page, but in a smart playlist It seems the only option I have is to play the episode immediately.