Remote Top Shortcuts (Movies/PVR/Music/Pictures)

I understand I can create a custom command, and then assign to the row across the top but from what I can tell I can only create custom commands to send to a media center and they are not custom commands internal to YATSE.
I’m wondering if it’s possible to change a shortcut to the display the TV Show panel in the YATSE app.

You can use the option Internal shortcuts that will make the top buttons shortcuts to navigate inside Yatse.

How do I change the Music shortcut to open the TV Show list inside YATSE but keep the PVR button to bring up the PVR guide

Set a custom command that does that ?

OK I’ve created a custom builtin in command:
And assigned that to shortcut 4 with a custom icon.
However when I press it it brings up the TV Shows in Kodi and not in YATSE.
Is there anyway to turn that custom builtin command to bring up the TV Show list in YATSE, keeping the PVR functionality as is

I just told you already, to have anything happening inside Yatse you need to enable the option internal shortcut, then if you want some buttons to still send commands to Kodi you set custom commands on them.

I cannot create a custom command that sends the command internally to YATSE and opens the TV Show list inside YATSE. I have the option open Internal Shorts enabled. But this does not work with custom commands, they are sent to Kodi.

I have no idea what you are trying to do …
If you want the tv show button to open inside Yatse the internal shortcut does that don’t assign custom command on it else it override it.

I have the TV Show shortcut assigned to open the PVR window (Enable Option: PVR TV Icon).
and want the Music shortcut to be replaced with the TV Show window.
Which I can do as a custom command but the list is opened inside Kodi not inside YATSE

As I said you can’t.
You need to enable the internal shorcut to have the tv show button go to yatse tv show.
And create a custom command to open PVR on Kodi an assign it to something else.

Ah bummer. Would a feature request be worthwhile for this? To be able to replace the Music/Picture shortcuts so they can open Internally to YATSE different lists?

No sorry this is a too niche issue about gaining 1 swipe or 1 click.

yep that’s fair enough. thanks for the prompt replies