Possibility to send "set audio source" command to UPnP receiver automaticly when operating Yatse


I’m new user to Yatse. I just managed to connect my sound system via UPnP plugin - it works like a charm - in terms of volume control. I was thinking if there was a possibility to automatically select source on audio device (Arylic Up2Stream HD DAC). I’m using Tidal Connect for music and to change source for kodi (optical), I have to log in to Arylic app. On their site, there is fine documentation on what command is needed : Arylic Audio HTTP API

GET /httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:switchmode:<player_mode>

Is it possible to send this command when pressing play button in Yatse ?

When i enter on web browser :


The source change is working.

Like I have written before, I’m new here, so some more sophisticated explanations will be most welcome :wink: Thank You.

You need to create a custom command and put that url in it. See the wiki.

I did everything according to :

server: my audio amp ip no
path: /httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:switchmode:optical

accept all certificates: checked on
show answer: checked on

still does not work. when typing adress in browser everything works fine :

Solved it,

had to reset everything, now it works. Thank You!