Offline media file names


Love the app and bought the premium version to access the additional features. Everything works very smoothly, including the feature to download the media to store offline. However, I’m wondering if there is a way to have the downloaded files inherit the original file names instead of a string of, what looks like completely random numbers/letters? Would be awesome to know what something was by the filename itself when browsing the folder in a file explorer, and not have to play each file to see what it was.


The files can and should be played directly from Yatse no need to use a file browser.

Click the cast button and select local device.

Wiki have videos and details about that.

Yeah, they can and are able to be played directly from within the app itself. But their names when viewing them from anything outside the app is something completely different, and basically impossible to identify. So I’m wondering if there is a way for the folders/files to just adopt the original name instead for when I’m not in the app, but simply viewing the directory on the SD card from outside the app.

No it’s not possible for many reason and in Android 11 you won’t even be able to browse Yatse folders.
There’s also an option to add the media to the media store so that any application can see them and play them without the need for the file name. (But will be broken in Android 11).

What is the use case for the need?

Oh, okay. Yeah that was sort of my idea as well. To download the media via the app on my phone, and then bring it with me and browse the folder from another device and have it be able to recognize the files and automatically link the correct metadata to it, sort of how it normally works in kodi if you have proper file names. I get it if it’s a limitation of android though, not much you can do. :slight_smile:

I also have this problem, and it’s not a limitation of Android because I have numerous other apps that can do this.

Scenario: It’s a long weekend here in Australia this weekend, and I am going away with my partner. I am copying some TV episodes to my phone. Once away, I’ll probably copy some of these off my phone and onto my partner’s phone so she can watch them on her phone, or possibly onto her laptop so we can watch them there, or maybe even onto a USB stick to watch via a smart TV, or maybe I’ll use my phone in USB-stick mode connected directly to a smart TV… I don’t know yet, but I do know that I want to have the option to access the files, with their correct filenames.

I would like to use Yatse to do this because a) I paid for it so I could do this, and b) it’s convenient how it shows me where I’m up to and syncs the watched data etc. back to the media centre when it’s back online - however I can’t use Yatse to do this because it stores the media with some kind of hashed filename in its private app directory making it pretty much pointless to access that data from elsewhere, so I am using Resilio Sync and have installed Kodi on my phone (but could use any number of other file share, SMB, FTP, etc. apps including the inbuilt Samsung “My Files” app which has SMB support - there is no app limitation to copying data to and from the storage of my phone, and as far as I’m aware, no Android 11 / scoped storage limitation to prevent this from working either)

Anyway, Yatse is a great app, but it would be even greater if it could be configured to store offline media in a location of my choice (or at least a simple shared location like Movies/Yatse or even Downloads/Yatse or similar) and using ideally their original filenames - or at least a human-readable filename and folder structure.

Thanks :slight_smile:

To have Yatse update watched status you need to play from Yatse so there’s no impact on where they are stored.
You can cast the offline file on the phone to your laptop and smart tv too and the other phone too so no need for other things too and. And it’s the only way to have the watched status sync.

If all you need is to copy file then copy the files where you want with the tools you want but in that case Yatse have nothing to bring to the table.
If you want any function that Yatse offers then you need to use Yatse there’s no other ways.

The files are added to Android media store so you can also access / copy the file from there too (until Android 10 and their bugs).

So to resume once and for all:
You can’t have both all integrated inside Yatse and what you want. And it’s really worse in Android 11 (will be way worse when apps are forced to target Android 11 in November 2021)

Let me resurrect this old thread please. I would love to have some kind of recognizable filenames for the synced files. Because when I try to play the media from Yatse in MX Player, and try to search for subtitles, I always need to type the name, because I assume the MX Player search based on filename. The show name, season and episode number would be perfectly enough…

Yatse also sync subtitles when they are available on source.
And Yatse sends the name and everything to Mx Player that should it and not file name.

You may want to contact Mx support to see why they do not use the title for the search.

Thanks for the answer!
But let me ask another: what is the requirements for the subtitle syncing?
I am syncing from a Plex Server. It shows 3 subtitle for the episode. One embedded in the mkv, 2 on separate file, and the filenames like: episode.mkv,,
Yatse not syncing the files, only the mkv :frowning:

That plex tell me they are there :slight_smile:

Open new issue with logs:

Thanks, will do! Sorry for confusing the topics :slight_smile: