Integrations home assistant

Hi, it would be great to have a home assistant plugin, since integration with home automation is now everywhere.

I do not see what I could bring there. Cover the needs

The rest would be more efficient with direct action from HA to Kodi or other things.

the kodi integration on home assistant is very bad and there is not even a remote control for the control, with yatse that intercedes for kodi would be the top, for example opening yaste from home assistant as a shortcut

You can already start Yatse from HA with custom butons and the API Yatse API

Having HA that talks to Yatse that then send commands would be really not efficient. (I do use HA a lot with tons of automations, but do use Yatse directly to control Kodi).

thanks 1000, I managed to start yatse via uri from home assistant and it’s great, it would also be nice and I don’t know if it is already possible to do it, start yatse in reduced screen and not in full screen or have a button to close the application. Thank you

I was lurking on here for home assistant info and found this post…throwing in my two cents worth here. Perhaps not an integration into ha (because integrations are commonly dumpster fires, in my experience) …but would suggest a headless agent that could live on a server that does a web UI of the yatse remote. I would think it would be easier to do, keeps the systems separate, provides a more scalable benefit to yatse…and with an API on that headless agent a user could put a web camera link in home assistant to a yatse webpage. Basically, it would be easier to merge the two systems together.