Export favorites

You have option import favorites from server to yatse. I’m missing option export from yatse to sever or import/export to/from file. Thank you

Will be in version 10.2.0.


Any plans to add favorites export feature? Would be great!

As you can see it’s written just above that it’s present since 10.2.0 :slight_smile:

hmm, maybe it’s hidden, but I can’t find it. I am on 10.2.5 I can see importing feature but not exporting…

You can export all of them via cloud saves or settings export.

Thanks. What I am looking for is ability to create a favorites list on yatse and following export it to osmc server. With export or cloud feature I can export a file but not directly to my server.

Kodi API lacks necessary API to do that properply.

Now it’s clear. Thank you.