Emby photos and home videos - where to find them in Yatse?!

I’ve been using Yatse for years to control Kodi and Emby, but one thing has always bugged me: How am I supposed to properly access my own photos and home videos stored in the respective library in Emby?

There is no entry in the side menu, which would be the most intuitive way of accessing them.
I can use the “files” side menu entry. On the corresponding page, I even get a “photo” header, which is, however, empty.
But now here there is also a “video files” section, and under this section I find all Emby libraries containing videos, including my home videos - and, surprisingly, also the photo library which I have set up in Emby.

The missing access to photos and home videos on an Emby server seems so obvious that I kept thinking that I’m doing something basically wrong here. Especially as the functionality is there and at least in the files section a tab is available for the photos. What am I doing wrong here?

Short answer you can’t and should use file mode for those.

With that said photos should be visible in the photo part, please provide logs when you access the video part and the photo part to see what Emby answers as library type for your photos.

Thanks for the reply.
Any reason why there is no “quick access” menu to the photos in the sidebar? The menu entry “Files” is a bit misleading imho, something like “all media librariies” would better fit.

I don’t see anything concerning the photos (library “Eigene Videos und Fotos”, containing both videos and photos as seperate folders) in the logs.

debug.zip (5.6 KB)

Ok that library is returned as homevideos so is shown on the video part all is normal.

Those are file mode and so is accessed as file mode in left menu, as it requires connection and do not work offline, this is also consistent with how it works with others providers like kodi.

How do I have to classify the library type in Emby in order for the photos to show up in Yatse’s “Photos” panel? I now have completely splitted my home videos and photos library, however, Emby only contains the library type “home videos and photos” as a combination, and so the photos still do not show up at the correct place in Yatse. (Yes, I have checked the photo-checkbox in the library settings.)

I would need the logs to see how Emby return that library type.

Here the logs. The library “Eigene Fotos” contains the photos.The library type I selected is “home videos and photos”. (Emby does not have a special library type for photos, there is only a settings switch per library to “enable photos”. )
debug.zip (6.4 KB)

Well yes seems Emby does not return any flag about having the photo option enabled :frowning:

Will also show those type library in the photo part but you’ll see the video entry too as no way to differentiate.

OK, so I’m the first one to recognize this problem with Emby ;-). Strange…

Emby for photo is certainly not a widely used feature :slight_smile: There’s plenty of better tools to automatically backup, organize, label, enhance photos.

However it’s a handy solution as you have every kind of media browsable in one place / one app / with one ui. With the combination Emby / Yatse / Kodi at least I basically don’t need any more software for my media on any device in the household.
Thanks for your support, anyhow. You might simply remove the “photo” option in Yatse’s Emby integration if it isn’t usable…