Bringing Yatse app in focus stops Kodi playback

Issue is intermittent but has happened, I think, since last Yatse app update.
Google pixel 5 controlling Kodi Nexus on Libreelec 10.

When something is playing, and Yatse is opened playback stops (sometimes). Usually it is when Yatse is open in the background then is put in focus to use as remote. Playback stops quickly.

Logs attached.from Yatse and Kodi, sorry if they are large, as the issue is difficult to reproduce on cue, as is intermittent.
Thanks. (1.0 MB) (53.0 KB)

2023-11-03 20:44:37.193 T:ApiReceiver 
API call: tv.yatse.api.MEDIA_COMMAND - SOURCE : ntf_dismiss
- COMMAND : stop

Your device dismiss the notification and send the command even if it’s not done by you …

The best part is that Android 14 is not even supposed to show the notification.

Are you using the official Google ROM or something else?

Just the stock Google ROM.

Strange no issue on P6 and P8.

Will disable that on Android 13 since it’s not supposed to be used by Android anyway.

Have the same Issue/Behavior on a Pixel 6 with android 14 since some weeks now, maybe aligns with the android 14 update -
is a bit annoying, if required for the additional device I can get a log next time it happens (from desc: yatse log should be enough right?)

No need I’ve updated my P6 to A14 and this was reproduced.

Another nice Google bug, waiting for Tasker release to be in prod so I can update the tasker plugin to no more need a perm before pushing the fix.
Another Google stupid thing :slight_smile:

Alright, thanks (also for the fast response time :slight_smile: )

For those who are experiencing this issue, I disabled the now playing notification in Android settings for Yatse and it seems to resolve the problem. I don’t see any other impacts by disabling the notification. On a galaxy s23 ultra running android 14.

Well it does remove the notification for those who needs it :stuck_out_tongue: You can also just not enable the notification setting inside Yatse.

As a side note to explain why the fix is not yet pushed.

Google is now forcing us to disclose with videos that are seen by monkeys why some foreground permissions are needed.
Tasker integration use some that will be rejected, so I worked with Tasker author to change how things works.
Unfortunately there’s no retro compatibility so it requires Tasker update to be pushed to Play Store so I can remove the permission and be allowed to push an update.

But since Google is always a pain they currently prevent Tasker updates on Play Store for false reasons, so here we are waiting for Google to wake up :frowning:

:astonished: Wow. Thanks for explaining the wait and the interaction with Tasker. I kept coming back to this thread for updates. Will disable the notification for now.

Took a long time but Tasker update is published and Yatse update is just accepted by Google.