Arrow buttons change place

Hi there.
Small doubt regarding direction keys placement.
When yatse is used as a remote (at least for Kodi), those direction (arrow) keys are in one place when navigating Kodi’s interface.
But once we elect to watch some content, those keys change. They get a bit smaller to provide some screen space for a bottom row which has info on the content being played.
Is this the only way to use it? Having the arrow keys shrinking and changing their place on the phone’s screen?
If this is by design and there is no other option, could I move to raise a NFR for an option in the settings which would have the bottom row permanently visible, just with no info and no buttons (play/pause, stop and next IIRC)?
This way the navigation/direction keys would always be in the same place.
Please please please lol. I’m kidding. I’m not a teen kid. But it sure would be a nice Xmas present for me. Or a new years’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks a bunch to the developers that have decided to make this amazing app free.

Change the layout in the settings to alternate 3 to avoid the change?

Everything is documented, and since it’s only me, you are still free to pay for the 14 years of work and continuous updates :wink:

Hi @Tolriq
Thanks a bunch mate.
That one really nailed it for me.
BTW, care to let me know how I could pay you a cup of coffee/tea?

EDIT - I think I found it. It’s Ko-Fi, right?
What about the Pro version? How much does it cost and how can I reach it? Is it only available through google’s playstore?

It’s better to get the Play Store version yes, else there’s a paypal unlocker Yatse™ - Troubleshooting Yatse payment issues but be sure to read the need to register for the proper email account.

Else there’s Kofi yes.

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