Add support for emby audio books

I do prefer Yatse over Emby Android app, because Yatse is far more clearly arranged. Unfortunately I can not sync my audio books.

I seems like audio books got their own Emby library type. To me, it looks quite the same as music. Maybe it could be integrated into the music library of Yatse.

I don’t use / have audio books but they certainly require resume point and chapters and probably others things no?

hm, I am not sure. Till now I could not find a bookmark functionality in Emby, but it normally remembers the last position I played the file. If this is what you meant with “resume point”, I guess it would help a lot to have this, yes.

I do not really know what “chapters” are. But as most audiobooks have their tracks, chapters might play a less important role.

Displaying multi-cd content could be importent, but maybe this already works out of box. And being able to download audiobooks for offline use would be awesome.

Else I do not know any further specialties dedicated to audio books :slight_smile:

Historically, audio books were just treated as music and lumped into the same library on Emby.

A recent update allowed users to create a separate library for audio books - I don’t think they have any special logic associated with them; it’s just the equivalent of having two separate music libraries.

The chief advantage (in my experience) is that when we’re hosting a party, the jukebox doesn’t start playing random chapters of Terry Pratchett stories :smiley: It is also a better experience for my family when they use Emby; they don’t really care about audiobooks but want to listen to music, and I have an extensive audiobook collection (which they regard as clutter). With a separate library, they can easily ignore the books and only see the music.

Because I now have a Music library and an Audiobook library in Emby, the music is available through Yatse but the Audiobook library is not.

We mostly use Yatse when travelling to listen to audiobooks (either streaming or as offline content). I’m keeping an old Emby server alive with all the audio content in the Music library so we can access audiobooks, but I’d like to retire it as soon as yatse gains audiobook library support.

For my use case, all yatse would need is:

  • An additional section (Home, Movies, TV Shows, Music, Audiobooks), each syncing to the corresponding library.
  • The audiobooks section could behave exactly the same way as the Music section does at the moment.

Chapters & resume points might be nice to have, but I would happily live without them. Most of the audiobooks I have are 1 chapter per file, or the book is split into 5 minute files, making resume and chapters a non-issue.

Thanks for making such a brilliant application, and I’m sorry for the necropost.

Yatse already allow to exclude libraries during sync or to apply library filter in all lists to fit the basic need.

I’ll look into that audiobook section and see to have them treated as normal audio libraries. But since Kodi and local device do not support AudioBook there’s no plans to have a dedicated section anytime soon.

If they showed up in my music section on Yatse, that’d be just great. Thanks!

Next version will have audio books imported as normal music, source filtering will allow splitting when needed and libraries can be excluded in host settings.


@stooj it’s currently available in the beta build on Play Store (9.4.5B2) would be nice if you can try and confirm all works ok, my tests where quite limited.

@Tolriq I Installed the beta version, let the library update and all our audiobooks are now in the music library. Streaming and downloading work as well.

Thanks again for implementing this. I really appreciate it.

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